Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Home made salad dressing recipes?

the kinds that are oil and vinegar based. Does anyone have any recipes to share? I ran out of salad dressing and have a bunch of lettuce to eat before it all spoils!Home made salad dressing recipes?
This was my best friend, Jody's, wonderful salad dressing. It's great on

mixed greens, tossed salads. Also great if you add some crumbled bleu cheese to it.

Jody's Curry Salad Dressing

3/4 c. sugar

1 1/2 tsp. dry mustard

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. paprika

1/2 tsp. celery seed

1/2 tsp. curry powder

1-2 T. chopped onion

1/2 c. white vinegar

1 c. Crisco oil (I use Canola oil)

Place all ingredients in blender or food processor. Process until onion is well blended. Store tightly covered in refrigerator.

Herbal Salad Dressing

1/2 c. good olive oil

1/4 c. fresh lemon juice

2 tsp. fresh dill or basil

1/4 tsp. salt

freshly ground pepper

Combine oil and juice in a large glass jar with a tight lid. Finely

chop fresh herb of choice. Add herb, salt and pepper to jar, shake

vigorously to blend. Can also be done in a blender or processor.

Makes 3/4 cHome made salad dressing recipes?
Here's the last one I whipped up:

A good 1/3 cup olive oil

3 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar

2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice

Some lemon zest, about 1 lemon's worth

1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard

1 big spoonful of minced garlic

A good squeeze of honey, maybe about 3/4 tsp.

S %26amp; P

Shake it all together and keep in the fridge.鈥?/a>
mix together


bbq sauce


and chopped up boiled egg until tastes good

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