Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Do you put paprika in your pasta salad? I need a good mustard/mayo pasta salad recipe fast!!?

Thanks all! (yahoo answers featured question #2)Do you put paprika in your pasta salad? I need a good mustard/mayo pasta salad recipe fast!!?
I use pasta salad for shaving cream.Do you put paprika in your pasta salad? I need a good mustard/mayo pasta salad recipe fast!!?
One of my favourite summer pasta salads -- you will sort of have to judge your own quantities, sorry, as I just make it by eyeballing it depending on how much I need.

Boil your pasta - best to use macaroni or fusilli or shells - drain and let cool.

Add one can of tuna (drain well!), a can of sweet corn (again, drain well), some finely chopped celery and finely chopped green or red peppers. Stir all together well. Start adding mayonaise (or Miracle Whip) one large spoonful at a time, and stir up well. Keep adding a spoonful of mayo and stirring it, until it gets to the right amount -- you should be able to tell from the look of it, but taste it every now and again to see if it needs more. Don't add too much at once or you'll end up with mayo salad instead!

Transfer it into a nice serving bowl, and you can shake some paprika on top for some added colour. Best served cold.
Quantities of ingredients will be determined by the amount of pasta you have. Mix 1 cup mayo (I prefer Miracle Whip) to 1/4 c. mustard. Add 1 T. sugar. Put in a dash a lemon juice. If you have some seasoned salt, put in about 1/2 t. Toss your dressing with your pasta or with cooked potatoes. Sprinkle the top of the salad with paprika. The paprika will enhance the flavor plus add some color.
You can sprinkle some over the top for color and to spice up the flavor. Sorry I don't have any mayo/mustard pasta salad recipes. But I do like mayo in my pasta salad. I know some people who eat noodles with the italian seasonings/ dressing plain. Gross in my opinion!
Mix mustard and mayo in quantities that you prefer. Then add a little salt, pepper, a dash of vingar, sugar. Taste as you go and adjust accordingly.
Yes, we put paprika in all our salads.

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