Monday, August 23, 2010

Do you have a good pasta or macaroni salad recipe?

Quick Mediterranean Pasta serves 6


8 ounces spaghetti

1/4 cup bread crumbs

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1 teaspoon dried basil

1 tablespoon olive oil

In a large pot with boiling salted water cook spaghetti pasta until al dente. Rinse with cool water. Drain well.

In a large bowl mix the bread crumbs, oregano, basil, and cooled pasta. Pour olive oil to your likening over the mixture.

Serve salad cold.Do you have a good pasta or macaroni salad recipe?
I like to use a good vinaigrette based dressing, and add chopped black olives, red onions, cherry tomatoes (cut in half), fresh basil, fresh parsley and small cubes of mozzarella.

It is super yummy. If you like capers, they go good too. As for exact amounts...just eyeball it. Don't add too much dressing though - just a little at a time. You want everything to be nicely coated, but you don't want it swimming in it.

There are a million different dressings to choose from - I like using a roasted garlic vinaigrette.Do you have a good pasta or macaroni salad recipe?
Boil shell shaped pasta and let cool. add real bacon bits, onion and green peppers(chopped) and ranch dressing. Chill before serving! Yummy!
bow tie noodles, boiled and cooled and add

cucumber, chopped

red sweet pepper, chopped

chopped green onion

boiled eggs, chopped

diced ham

mixed with ranch and mayo

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